






Include in the game

The game consists of two parts: a pack of riddles and information that will be sent to your home address, which will serve to advance the adventure, and an interactive map of the village in Lapland. Using the map, you’ll be able to meet different characters and solve challenges.

Explore, search and share information if you play as a team.

● Explore Santa Claus’ village in Lapland, walk its streets, and enter Santa's house.

Play interactive games. To find clues and advance in the adventure, you will have to solve a series of games.

Uncover the mysteries that the secret village of Lapland is hiding.


How to play

The game system is simple. First, the physical game with all the instructions, challenges, and creativity you’ll need to advance in the adventure will be delivered to your house. Second, you will receive access credentials to Santa Claus' villa, where you will discover clues, meet and interact with other characters, and solve challenges.

You can play alone or with friends and family, as this game is fantastic for spending time together and having fun. You will need to share the screen of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

Once you are ready to play and have the game in your hands, access Santa's villa in Lapland. Investigate, advance in the game, and discover the characters that live in the town. Once you find out who is guilty of casting the spell, access the "Write Solution" section and type in your answer. If your answer is incorrect, an error message will appear, and you’ll have the chance to try again; if your answer is correct, you will discover the final message.